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Issue 20 - May 08

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Colour Burn

Dave Forrest
Available from
Price: £12.95  

If you enjoy visual card magic you are going to absolutely love this! Not only is it a terrific idea, it is also capable of a number of different variations which means that what you are buying here is not just a single trick but the knowledge to create several. Colour Burn is a simple to construct card gimmick which will enable you to do a fantastically visual and totally fooling colour change of a card back.....or to print a totally blank card to match a selection.....or to change one card face into another....or, well that's probably enough for your money already, but to be honest you could probably think of other ways it can be used too.  

To fully appreciate how great this is you really should go to Dave's website and watch the video dem. I virtually guarantee that if you watch him perform this, you will want to buy it! And I'll bet that some of you guys will buy it just to learn how it's done, because you'll almost certainly be fooled by it. There are all sorts of ways to change the colour of a card back, but what sets Dave's version apart form most of the rest is that you actually show the card back changing bit by bit - as you rub your fingers across the back of the card you can see it visually changing colour - honestly, it really is fantastic!  

Although this is not self working, the main routine supplied with this idea will not tax anyone who handles cards a bit. There are three or four moves to do during the routine, and everything is fully explained by Dave on the video. There are two full routines supplied - the Colour Burn effect itself where chosen cards and then the entire deck change colour, plus another routine called Print Run, which I particularly liked as the printing of the card face and back on a blank card is very visual. Dave explains how to 'clean up' after both effects, although Colour Burn is more of an opener effect while Print Run can be done at any time.  

The idea is available only as a download, so you will need a computer, but it does mean that the price is very reasonable. The construction of the required Colour Burn gimmick will take you five minutes or less, and you will almost certainly have the required cards to do it. Even if you don't a quick call to your favourite magic dealer will soon furnish the necessary.  

Dave has some really good card magic available for sale, so I would recommend that while you are on his site buying Colour Burn (I'm telling you, you are going to want this, there's no escape!), you may care to spend a few minutes looking at some of his other stuff. ML  

What's Hot: brilliant concept that creates a visually stunning colour/card face change
What's Not: that I didn't think of this first!
Star Rating: *****  

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