Britain's brightest independent magic magazine

Issue 23 - November 08

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Director's Cut

Simon Shaw
Available from:
Price: £24.99

Since it’s release, Simon Shaw’s Director’s Cut has been generating quite a buzz within the magic chatrooms. So what is Director’s Cut? Simply put, it is a set of movie poster cards, approximately the size of a bridge sized deck of cards that has been printed in full colour and laminated, that can be used to create amazing mental feats.

The films featured have been hand picked from a selection of both timeless classics and some more recent not so timeless ones. Personally, I think some of the movies are a strange choice and could have been replaced with better examples – but that’s just me. It would also be nice to be able to purchase more sets of cards with completely different movies on them so you could make up your own set. Maybe this is something to look out for in the future?

The cards themselves are exactly as described, no gimmicks, marks, nothing whatsoever to find. Also supplied is an instructional DVD featuring Simon demonstrating five effects possible with these cards. There is also a PDF file on the DVD that runs through some of the finer details not covered on the film footage. For example, there are several pages containing descriptions of all the films featured. Which, depending on how you want to perform Director’s Cut, will help you when it comes to the revealing of each movie.

What’s nice about this whole package is that the actual method behind it all is incredibly easy to get to grips with. In fact, it’s as old as the hills. There is, however, some memory work to get your head around. But, to be honest, this is a lot easier than you would think. A few hours playing with the cards should be all that is needed. Once you have mastered how the cards work you are ready for the many effects possible.

The first is ‘The Director’s Cut’. Put simply, a movie card is selected and noted. The performer, using all his mental powers, accurately describes the movie along with several subtleties to the amazement of the spectators. Providing you are up to speed with how the cards work, then this really is easy to perform. I have performed this dozens of times already around the office and completely fried everyone with it each time. You can repeat this over and over with a different outcome each time. Brilliant!!

Next is ‘Demille’s Drawing Duplication’. Heavily based on Richard Osterlind’s ‘Corinda Effect’, the spectator handles the cards beneath a table and after several cuts, and unknown to both performer AND spectator, takes one card and reverses it in the pack. The spectator then proceeds to draw a duplicate of the movie poster selected. This works even better if you can’t draw to save your life.

‘Polanski’s Prediction’ follows, where a multiple prediction finally reveals the selected movie card. Effects don’t come much easier than this one. Don’t overlook this as being too simple, as all your efforts can be geared towards the performance.

Also featured are ‘Copolla’s Calling’ and ‘Hitchcock’s Mental Push Out’. Both worth checking out.

These cards are extremely versatile and even in the wrong hands can be used to perform miracles. Highly recommended. PS

What's Hot: Endless possibilities with a unique set of cards
What's Not: Some strange movie choices, in my opinion
Star rating: ***** 

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