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Issue 27 - July 09

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Killer Gaft Magic DVD  

Cameron Francis
Available from:
Price: £22.99  

Does the magic world need yet another DVD devoted to card magic? Probably not. But if there has to be one, Cameron Francis has provided enough good material to justify adding to the stock pile! Killer Gaft Magic is a collection of 11 card routines using fake cards. The good news is that 16 of the special cards required are supplied with the DVD, although you will probably have many of the cards already as they are mainly just regular fakes (blank faced, blank backed, double blank cards etc). So let's take a look at what you get for your money.  

Cameron Francis has released a lot of material over the last couple of years or so, and it wouldn't have been a surprise if he had chosen to market many of the effects included on this DVD separately. The fact that he hasn't makes this particularly good value. Essentially anyone who enjoys playing around with small packet card tricks will find a really good collection of ideas here which will give you variations on classic effects such as Triumph, Wild Card, the Anniversary Waltz, Oil and Water, Travellers etc. The handlings are not for the absolute beginner (although see my comments in the next paragraph) but there is nothing highly complex here either, and in fact for the hobbyist the material is perfect - just enough difficulty to make the learning and practice interesting, but not so much that it becomes dispiriting!  

One big strength of this DVD comes with the inclusion of what BBM calls ' Sleight School '. In this bonus section Cameron gives explanations of 18 of the moves used in the effects on the DVD, and this elevates the disc's value to the beginner hugely. In fact if you have ever wanted to have clear explanations of basic moves (Double Lift, Elmsley Count, Jordan Count, Hamman Count, Tilt Move, Flustration Count, Erdnase Colour Change, Braue Reversal etc) this DVD is worth buying for this section alone. Armed with the 18 moves explained here you would be set to perform most packet tricks and so this is a real 'value added' element on the DVD.  

Cameron makes a good job of keeping the performance parts of this DVD interesting and upbeat. Helped mainly by a willing spectator Rachel, who deserves a medal for apparently actually enjoying seeing one packet trick after another (I think the girl needs therapy!), Cameron performs each of the 11 effects slickly and entertainingly. Most of the material is not really for commercial work  as too many require a set up deck or re-sets or extra cards to be carried around separately or cards to be dealt and and displayed on a table top, but for using down the magic club or for inclusion in a more formal close up show, there are loads of clever and pleasing routines.  

Fans of Nick Trost work or, from earlier, the ideas of Emerson And West, will no doubt want to add this DVD to their collection. The material is accessible in terms of difficulty, is performed and explained well by Cameron and will give the hobbyist plenty of enjoyment. ML  

What's Hot: very good value with all the cards and Sleight School info included
What's Not: not much that the commercial performer would want to use
Star Rating: ****

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